Secure Work was established in 2004. We have since then been given specialized training to thousands of employees and managers in dealing with challenging behavior. We teach conflict management, crisis management, dealing with violence, personal safety and physical intervention training.
We help staff and services to manage aggressive or violent people. This can be everything from training staff in conflict management for custumer service situations, to a therapautic approach for health care workers dealing with vulnerable patients.
Our main areas covers:
Conflict management
Personal safety traning
Physical intervention training
Conflict management
We do run training in conflict management from 3 hours to 3 days for many different clients. This may be for professions that work with customer service, visitors, users and many more.
Training the trainer
Secure Work have for many years trained trainers and instructors in conflict manament and physical interventions. We emphasizes modern methodology, and research.
We can do everything from workshops, seminars to spesical customize courses.
Feel free to contact us for more information about our training.
© Secure Work AS - 3518 Hønefoss - Kontor: 32 12 06 93, Mob: 908 91 377